--rivals new aimbot, silent aim script local replicated_storage = game.GetService(game, "ReplicatedStorage"); local players = game.GetService(game, "Players"); local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera; local utility = require(replicated_storage.Modules.Utility); local get_players = function() -- this is dumb asf, feel free to modify. local entities = {}; for _, child in workspace.GetChildren(workspace) do if child.FindFirstChildOfClass(child, "Humanoid") then table.insert(entities, child); elseif child.Name == "HurtEffect" then for _, hurt_player in child.GetChildren(child) do if (hurt_player.ClassName ~= "Highlight") then table.insert(entities, hurt_player); end end end end return entities end local get_closest_player = function() local closest, closest_distance = nil, math.huge; local character = players.LocalPlayer.Character; if (character == nil) then return; end for _, player in get_players() do if (player == players.LocalPlayer) then continue; end if (not player:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then continue; end local position, on_screen = camera.WorldToViewportPoint(camera, player.HumanoidRootPart.Position); if (on_screen == false) then continue; end local center = Vector2.new(camera.ViewportSize.X / 2, camera.ViewportSize.Y / 2); local distance = (center - Vector2.new(position.X, position.Y)).Magnitude; if (distance > closest_distance) then continue; end closest = player; closest_distance = distance; end return closest; end local old = utility.Raycast; utility.Raycast = function(...) local arguments = {...}; if (#arguments > 0 and arguments[4] == 999) then local closest = get_closest_player(); if (closest) then arguments[3] = closest.Head.Position; end end return old(table.unpack(arguments)); end