From venuslock, 2 Months ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. --[[
  2.     made by the one and only sexy beast named icee :troll:
  3.     ps: cyclops is in the kitchen :lol:
  4. ]]
  6. -- Var
  7. local Player            = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;
  8. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
  9. local PlayerGui         = Player.PlayerGui;
  10. local setupvalue        = setupvalue or debug.setupvalue;
  12. -- UILib
  13. local Library           = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();
  14. local MainWindow        = Library:CreateWindow("Main");
  15. local CombatFolder      = MainWindow:AddFolder("Combat");
  16. local KillAuraTog, GodModeTog, NocoolTog; -- ik aids but this ui lib bad so /shrug
  18. -- Kill Aura
  19. do
  20.     -- Creation
  21.     CombatFolder:AddToggle({
  22.         text        = "KillAura";
  23.         flag        = nil;
  24.         state       = false;
  25.         callback    = function(state)
  26.             KillAuraTog = state;
  28.             while KillAuraTog do
  29.                 for i,v in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() do
  30.                     if (v ~= Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude <= 50 and PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ClassGui") and getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main).pass) then
  31.                         ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Damage:InvokeServer(getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main).pass(), Workspace.RealTime.Value, v.Character, 200);
  32.                     end;
  33.                 end;
  34.                 wait();
  35.             end;
  36.         end;
  37.     });
  38. end;
  40. -- God Mode
  41. do
  42.     -- Creation
  43.     CombatFolder:AddToggle({
  44.         text        = "GodMode";
  45.         flag        = nil;
  46.         state       = false;
  47.         callback    = function(state)
  48.             GodModeTog = state;
  50.             while GodModeTog do
  51.                 if (Player.Character and PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ClassGui") and getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main).pass) then
  52.                     ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.Heal:InvokeServer(getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main).pass(), Player.Character, 200, "True");
  53.                 end;
  54.                 wait();
  55.             end;
  56.         end;
  57.     });
  58. end;
  60. -- No Cooldown
  61. do
  62.     -- Creation
  63.     CombatFolder:AddToggle({
  64.         text        = "NoCooldown";
  65.         flag        = nil;
  66.         state       = false;
  67.         callback    = function(state)
  68.             NocoolTog = state;
  70.             while NocoolTog do
  71.                 if (Player.Character and PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("ClassGui") and getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main).pass) then
  72.                     local ScriptEnv = getsenv(PlayerGui.ClassGui.Main);
  74.                     setupvalue(ScriptEnv.criticalcoolingdown, 2, 0);
  75.                     setupvalue(ScriptEnv.ability1coolingdown, 2, 0);
  76.                     setupvalue(ScriptEnv.ability2coolingdown, 2, 0);
  77.                     setupvalue(ScriptEnv.attackcoolingdown, 2, 0);
  78.                 end;
  79.                 wait();
  80.             end;
  81.         end;
  82.     });
  83. end;
  85. -- UI Creations
  86. do
  87.     -- OneShot Kill
  88.     CombatFolder:AddToggle({
  89.         text        = "OneShot";
  90.         flag        = "OneShot";
  91.         state       = false;
  92.     });
  94.     -- NoVoid Dmg
  95.     CombatFolder:AddToggle({
  96.         text        = "NoVoidDamage";
  97.         flag        = "NoVoid";
  98.         state       = false;
  99.     });
  100. end;
  102. -- Hook
  103. do
  104.     -- Creation
  105.     local meta      = debug.getmetatable(game);
  106.     local oldName   = meta.__namecall;
  107.     setreadonly(meta, false);
  109.     meta.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  110.         local args = {...};
  112.         if (Library.flags.OneShot and tostring(self) == "Damage" and args[4] ~= "Void") then
  113.             args[4] = 200;
  114.         elseif (Library.flags.NoVoid and tostring(self) == "Damage" and args[4] == "Void") then
  115.             return; --  kicks when enabled off ( idc tho )
  116.         end;
  118.         return oldName(self, unpack(args));
  119.     end);
  121.     setreadonly(meta, true);
  122. end;
  124. -- Inits Lib
  125. Library:Init();