- if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end
- --Execute every time you change one of those settings
- getgenv().aim_smooth = 3 --- how smoothly your mouse moves to the target
- getgenv().fov = 400 -- players within this radius will be targeted
- getgenv().random_aim = true -- this will aim at random part, good if u want to look legit so u don't alway get headshots
- getgenv().aim_at = "Head" -- what part do u wanna aim at [HumanoidRootPart] or [Head] -- will not affect anything if random aim is on
- getgenv().teamCheck = true -- self-explanatory
- getgenv().fov_Visible = true -- want to show circle ⭕?
- getgenv().visibleCheck = false -- check if the player is behind the wall or not
- if not getgenv().isLoaded then
- getgenv().isLoaded = true
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://www.klgrth.io/paste/n6a8n/raw", true))()
- end